I am sneaking in one last post this week...
Remember when I said my "new" life would give me more opportunities to blog???
Ya, remember that?
I wish...I just need one more hour in the day but I am probably preaching to the choir so moving on...
I am so excited to try a new link up today!
Karli blogs
here & if you blog you still have time to link up so GO :)
first let me keep my promise and share the sangria recipe I used this past weekend to help achieve my drunken, food coma state.
here is what you need:
one bottle of cheap Merlot
(NOTE: I am a wine snob but sangria doesn't need good wine--You are mixing in other ingredients that will alter the taste.)
one 1 liter bottle of zero calorie sparkling water
(I chose an orange flavor. You can get these everywhere now. Try Target or Walmart.)
peach schnapps (6 shots)
two fresh oranges
bag of frozen berries
I used a pitcher
& poured the bottle of wine in.
Then I poured six shots of schnapps in.
I dumped a little over half of the liter of water in.
Pealed, diced, and added the oranges.
Poured a little over half of the bag of frozen berries in.
I let it sit for an hour in the fridge.
It was yummmmy !!!
I have been toying with the idea of getting a fitbit or a jawbone for awhile now...
Today is my half birthday so I decided it was appropriate to snag one
(FYI it is completely okay that I am a twenty something and celebrate half birthdays.
I don't care what you think. Actually I do, so don't make fun of me.)
I went with the jawbone and it is currently charging next to me.
I was basically bouncing as I checked out at best buy. I need to stop being such a nerd.
I will definitely review it once I spend some time figuring it out.
This weekend I am determined to achieve one goal. EAT every summer thing I love.
I have yet to devour fresh corn on the cob off the grill while sitting outside. I plan to only hydrate with watermelon for the next two days & I fully intend on getting a stomach ache from an obscene amount of s'mores.
We have just been so busy the last few weeks & I haven't had much control over our whereabouts and meals so I am really excited to make sure this weekend is the definition of summer cuisine.
I am truly sad that Rachel McAdams is not having Ryan's baby.
I can smell dinner.
It is stir fry that my brother-in-law is making.
He just came to tell me it is my half birthday so therefore my celebration dinner.
I totally married into the right family.
Have the best weekend, pretty people :)