Monday, March 17, 2014

I guess you could call this a weekend recap

Gosh I feel like I have so much to tell y'all !!! & instead the days are just flying by and I haven't wrote about a thing that I have wanted hopefully I turn it around this week. 

First this weekend was wonderful. I swear after vacations, I always say I need another vacation to recover from said vacation. When I was younger I never understood why people said that... now I do because I actually like wearing clean underwear the next week and sleeping in my own bed. 

Well anyways, I swear to you, and the blog heavens, that a vacation recap is coming. I swear...

On the same note I have promised a few different posts that I never delivered on so I want to make sure I do that in the next few weeks. First up is a review of Fabletics. Remember when I talked about ordering from them, here???

Oh gosh I just love the stuff I got. I will do a review and show you some awesome selfies of me in the stuff because that is what real bloggers do :)

OK OK so back to the weekend. 

First up, Saturday my Dad and I ran 6 miles together at 7 am!!! He didn't even stop till about 5.5 miles and that was only for a quick walk break. What a freaking stud. 


No one in my family has ever ran that far with me and he went out totally determined and ended with an 11 min mile average. HE is going to kill his first half on May 3rd !!! We are both doing the Door County Half Marathon (which was my first half last year). 

6 miles. done.

I was actually so happy to take those 6 miles nice and easy because my sleeping husband at home was determined to knock out another 4 with me later on. Saturday was the first day in about 4 months that I ran double digits. Sure I split them up but I feel so hopeful to be back running more. My body kinda hurts today though :(

Anyways after all that I went back to bed for two hours & then woke up, ran to the kitchen, ate peanut butter from a jar and talked to Emma for 20 minutes like she is a real person. I don't know why I find this important to share but it was in that very moment that I found myself ridiculously thankful to not be a parent yet. I absolutely love not having responsibilities and inventing my weekends around whatever the hubs and I want to do. It is just the best. Going back to sleep in the middle of the day and eating straight from jars for a few more years is more than okay with me.

Anyways the rest of the weekend was spent catching up on our DVR because we were really behind since our vacation (first world problems), drinking lots of beer and playing board games. Nothing to write home about but I feel like a million bucks today which is rare on a Monday so I obviously did something right...

early St. Patty's Day celebration

Well this post got weird and pointless quick but basically stay tuned :) I actually have plans this week to post!



  1. I talk to my dog Bo like he's a person too. Or I speak his thoughts for him. :)

  2. Yay for more running! And an extra double yay for eating peanut butter out of the jar!

  3. I love peanut butter straight from the jar and I talk to Burke like he is real, I guess the only time this will be an issue is when he actually starts to talk back.
