This week I have noticed a little bump in traffic on the site! Which, by the way, makes me all warm and fuzzy inside...then I quickly come back down from my cloud and realize that people may have only stopped by to find out why a girl in her late twenties loves rhinos so much
*weirdo* but in a hope that you stuck around waiting for a new post I wanted to write a quick welcome to anyone new.
Side note: I do share the story about the name of this blog here. If you still haven't popped over to read it go right ahead. It actually has to do with me being a distracted mess and my husband dealing with it and less about actual rhinos if that brings you any solace.
Anyways back to the point of this post. If you are new and I guess even if you aren't, I thought it would be completely unclever of me to just answer a good ol' fashion survey. Remember those on facebook or AIM or god-help-us-MYSPACE circa early 2000s? Well I swear I am
more clever and older than 15 but maybe you will learn some useless information about me &&& decide we are long lost soulmates and keep coming back around :)
So let's get to it:
What is your name?
What is the last thing you ate?
Pickles. I eat pickles every darn day. If there is not a jar in the fridge, I pretty much panic.
Last person you hugged?
The three year old I nanny for. She hugs and kisses me everyday, all day. It's the best.
***This is probably a good segue into explaining a little more about our life currently. My husband is going to law school in the fall, in Chicago. So we packed up our life in Milwaukee (sold our house, quit our jobs and moved back in with his parents for the time being. We do change BIG.)
I nannied in college & after moving back home (Chicago) I found a perfect family to nanny for while we are here & I couldn't be happier. It is quite a change from the corporate world :)
One food for the rest of your life, go!
At first I would say peanut butter but I guess I don't want it alone so I think on the spot, in this very moment, I would have to say sushi.
If you were a crayon what color would you be?
I think this is an excellent question because it isn't exactly "what is your favorite color?"
You would want to be the
favorite crayon so I would say "jungle green". It is more unique then just green, a tad brighter, but still picked a lot.
What is your favorite movie?
Sweet Home Alabama.
What time did you wake up today?
5:20...ya I know, EW. Ever since our move though I have been a part of the 5 am club and @ the gym or spending time with my running shoes each morning. I am afraid to skip a day because I am going on a month &&& I feel awesome that I have stuck with it.
If you were an animal what would you be?
Dolphin without a doubt. I think they are the coolest. They behave a lot like dogs in the water & they get to swim, jump, & play all day through out the waters of some pretty beautiful places.
How would you spend a day off of work?
I would run in the morning, outside & in perfect conditions.
I would have sushi for lunch with Jacob followed by FROYO.
I would get my nails done and go shopping WITH an iced coffee.
Then for dinner Jacob and I would curl up with either Chinese food or something we grilled PLUS a bottle of really good red wine & play scrabble.
Favorite TV show?
Of all time??? Easy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Runner-up? Friday Night Lights
Do you look like your mom or your dad?
I always say dad but you decide :)
3 things that upset you?
illness ---being sick, other's being sick, loved one's hurting
not being organized ---I went through stages of being a total slob but now I am ridiculously organzied, probably to a fault, but being a mess and losing stuff makes me want to scream
cars/insurance ---I am saying both count as one because they cost so much damn money for little return. I mean yes, I like being able to drive everywhere, but cars are worthless after you take them off the lot and insurance is a ridiculous scam
&&& so that you might actually get something out of this...question by moi:
Why did you start this blog?
I started this blog to connect with other women and to help support the blogs that I have read every day for so long. I love running and fitness so that is a focus I want to get better at representing but mostly I just love finding new people to connect with over all of life's little things---the small stuff that drives us crazy or makes our whole day.
Thanks for reading :)
Now so I get to know you better, answer a question from above in the comments!