I have "follow through" on projects and at work, sometimes to a fault, but I am so bad at actually doing what I say I will in my personal life.
Ask my best friend, Lauren! If I miss one more of her calls and don't call her back, next time she is here she is going to steal one of my expensive bags and take it back home to CA with her as punishment..........I have NO idea why I decided to use that as an example of punishment but she wouldn't punch me and she will always forgive me SO I just thought up what she would want most in my closet.
Moving on.
Ok so personally, my follow through sucks. I start the week ALWAYS with great intentions.
This week I am going to be nicer to Jacob.
This week I am going to walk Emma (dog) because it makes her so happy.
This week I will eat clean.
This week I will not drink on weekdays.
This week I will call all of my friends to catch up or send Facebook messages.
Sometime on Friday night I realize I have maybeeeee accomplished one of these tasks, if any at all.
A huge trend in social media and in the blog world is meal prep. The cool kids keep saying...
"if you fail to plan you plan to fail"
So I jumped on this train. For weeks now I have planned out my meals on Sunday for the week and by the end of the day on Monday I have already completely messed up and added twenty two additional snacks or decided to go out to lunch with co workers.
Now maybe the thing is that I am not trying to lose weight. I just want to eat better and feel better and perform better in running and at the gym. I want to tighten up and not be so full of junk but I fail week after week.
Lately, I have been trying to really stay focused because our friends are getting married next weekend. The bridesmaid dress I ordered fit at the store but when I went to pick mine up (two weeks ago) it was muchhhhhhhh tighter. This is two fold for sure.
First, the dress I tried on (months ago) probably fit because 99 other girls had already tried it on
and second is a no-brainer, I have been falling off the wagon so much the size is just tight.
Anyways I think because of this pressure I have just fallen off the wagon more & I have exactly seven days to clean up my act and sleep in the dress (i.e. stretch the crap outta it).
After writing this I feel silly. This is totally a normal girl problem, this isn't mind blowing or a tragedy, but I guess I just wanted to put it out there so I have to tell you what happens. I want to be accountable not only for the wedding but to prove to myself that for one fricken week & weekend I can have some self control. So for the next seven days I have devised a plan. No booze. Lots of veggies and fruit. Some new smoothie recipes and lean protein.
I can do it &&& I will feel much better personally and physically if I do.
I will also call my mom. Return Lauren's calls. Kiss my husband more & find better ways to celebrate getting through the day then a spoon & frosting. Oh and I will also blog all about it.
Just call me Ms. Commitment.
I will throw in some new recipes, tips I found helped &&& the results.
Anyone else have big plans Memorial Day weekend and want to join me?????

Wow your friend is pretty serious about you calling her back! I'm horrible about catching up with friends. Your better off working with me because those are the people I see the most! I always try to "meal prep" and pack my lunch for work but the fattening grilled cheese and fries in the cafeteria always looks more appetizing! Never fails! Have a great weekend and check out the giveaway on my blog!