Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween! #TBT

This year unfortunately we bypassed the costumes and crowded bars.

I won't lie. I was excited at first. I was looking forward to my only real activity being to eat a piece of candy for every two we gave out. But last Saturday night I was a little bummed that we weren't out causing trouble. 

This is as scary as our weekend got.

So in the interest of Throw Back Thursday and all things Halloween here are some oldies but goodies. 

Emma takes Halloween very seriously. 

She starts planning weeks in advance.
Her favorite costume so far has been "the squirrel" 

This is a terrible shot.
Our favorite couples costume was last year. 

Mary Poppins and the Chimney Sweep
We sang all night.
It was obnoxious.
I lost my umbrella.
None of these things should be surprising.
And my favorite costume of all time was when my Dad & I were Beauty & the Beast. 
I didn't let him off the hook after one year. We had to go two years in a row. What a champ.

We danced to Beauty and the Beast at my wedding.
That's your queue to "awww"

Only two more days till the Tyranena Beer Half! You can read my first post about it here.

I had big plans for this run but I am starting to think I may need to scale back. I have been tapering but my hip is really killing me. It started back in Door County. I have been married to my foam roller for the last 24 hours. I had to stop after 2 miles on the death machine yesterday (i.e. treadmill). I have never had to stop before. 

Any one else ever have hip tenderness ??? I think I might be looking at my first running injury. My plan is just to keep rolling it out and stretching. If I have to take it slow, I will. I feel a lot better today but we will see what happens... Shoot me some advice if you have any! 

Have a spooky day and eat lots of candy :)


  1. Awww Emma looks cute and a lot more relaxed that Sophie did! Haha! We are crazy with our dogs! :)

    1. We SURE are! But there are worse things we could be :)
