Wednesday, October 2, 2013

My 3rd Half

This past weekend I ran in my third half marathon...both in life and for this year.

How awesome is that??? I forget that I only just started sometimes and I really need to be super proud of how far I have pushed myself in only a few short months.

I will say that the days before my race I was filled with doubt and anxiety over it. I just wasn't sure if I would PR and how I would react if I didn't.

Well I barelyyyyy Pr'd ...just by seconds...

However the pride I felt when I finished there is just nothing like it and my husbands smile and my family's hugs sure make this sport something to be proud of, pr or no pr.

At Mile 12 on both of my other half marathons I wanted to die. I had tears in my eyes and I could feel my blisters. My hips ached and I wanted it to be over.

This past weekend, mile 12 hit and I looked down at my watch and I saw an 8:12 pace and I didn't want to die. I was smiling. Well in that very moment I realized I could care less what time I came in at because it is an accomplishment to be running your 12th mile and feeling okay, dare I saw good, and enjoying the last seconds and relishing in the feeling of still having speedy legs.

After my race I found out I finished 766th place out of approximately 4050 runners. I am so proud of that and I have some new goals in mind for my November races AND I think I have maybe even rubbed off on my dad (he just bought his first garmin and printed a training plan)!!

Even more exciting than all of that, I have a new blog design in the works and hopefully will be growing this little page soon.

Running has given me so much this year already and I can't wait to see all the new places it will take me and all the new people it will push me to meet.

I feel truly lucky. I am going to reflect on that this week :)