Monday, December 23, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Happy Day before Christmas Eve!

I hope you are not stuck at work today like me (Actually that is a lie. I am bitter and I really hope that you are being tortured in a cubicle and we can bond over our pain.)

I have to work a few hours on Christmas Eve too. I am trying to just remember at 4 pm tomorrow I will have a little over 24 hours to drink, eat and be merry with those I love. I won't lie though, it is SO hard to be nice and think nice thoughts when everyone else and their mom has off the whole week... oh and they let you know it via Facebook every half hour.

Whoa, whoa, whoa- I am wheeling that Grinch back in just give me a second...

I forgive you though if you are reading this and you are one of those Facebook celebrators... I would do the same if I were you.

So even though I don't get the whole week off let me bore you with the details of our holiday plans cause I am sure you are dying to know!

Tomorrow Jacob and I will be hanging out at work together. I am making him tag along even though he doesn't have too. I just KNOW I will be in a better mood if he is bored WITH me. In case you haven't heard, misery loves company.

Then we are officially celebrating Christmas Eve just the two of us. We are going ice skating at an outdoor rink and making dinner at home. We are letting each other open one gift and hopefully sneaking in a few Christmas movies.

Christmas Day will be at my parents' house. Lots of champagne and being lazy. I am hoping to get a nice long run in too.

Then two painful days of work and a whole weekend at Jacob's parents' house for more Christmas!!!

& in all honesty I better get my act together about being such a complainer because next Wednesday I am off to San Francisco to see two of my most favorite people in the whole wide world! Jacob and I will be spending 6 days with our friends who just recently left cold, depressing Milwaukee to live in beautiful California.

I am only a little bit jealous.

More to come about our trip.

Before you all disappear though, into your food comas and hangovers :) I wanted to wish you a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS! From the bottom of my heart, I hope that you have a wonderful holiday filled with love & a lot of laughs.

Made on

What are you doing for the holidays??? Seriously, I really want to know!


  1. Don't worry I'm right there with you and I work tomorrow till 3 :(

  2. STILL currently sitting in my cubicle literally counting down the minutes until I am finally off!! LOVE your Christmas card!!

  3. Love your card!!! I'm off this week and think I've already gained 10 lbs. Tragic! ;)
