Thursday, December 5, 2013

Saint Nick's Day


I just can't pass up a good link-up these days.
I promise I will get original with my posts again...starting tomorrow : )
I wasn't actually even planning on doing this post but something happened last night and it fit so I am linking up with two really great bloggers, Amy and Holly.

Last night my mom called. She called specifically to ask me if I would be coming over tonight to put out my shoes. I responded...

"OF COURSE?! Thanks for reminding me. You are the best mom ever." I don't actually think I said the last part but I should have because she is the bomb. dot. com. 

Now I know what you are thinking &
YES. Next month I will be 26 years old.
YES. I am married.
YES. I own my own house & my own car.

But you are sadly mistaken if you think for a second that I will not be making sure my running shoes are put to good use this evening by holding all the presents and candy St. Nick can fill in them :)

My heart will hurt badly one day when we have babies and my mom Saint Nick considers no longer filling my shoes. I hope I have babies that share.

Anyways I didn't even realize that St. Nick's day was considered a tradition until last year when Jacob and I were talking about it and he said they never celebrated St. Nick's day at their house.


Well I also realized that I hadn't really admitted to Jacob till last year that I still put my shoes out at my parent's house. Well go figure... Jacob wasn't surprised.

Anyways I am glad I was honest with my sweet husband because he made sure that St. Nick started stopping at our house too.

I woke up last year and found that he had put my UGGs out for me. What a guy!!

Emma got in on the action too.

What holiday traditions do you have??? 
Do you celebrate Saint Nick's Day???


  1. I have never heard of Saint Nick's Day?! I must look into this. To think I have been deprived of treats for 30 years makes me sad!

    1. YES :) get that shoe out!!! Here is a silly article about the tradition.

  2. I have never heard of this! I had to make sure I read it right when you said "put my shoes out". Haha! I will have to read the article above. Sounds like fun!

  3. I've never heard of it either!!! I'll have to read the article too. Sounds like my kind of thing though :)

  4. I have heard of this... but for some reason I thought it was only British kids. LOL
