Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween! #TBT

This year unfortunately we bypassed the costumes and crowded bars.

I won't lie. I was excited at first. I was looking forward to my only real activity being to eat a piece of candy for every two we gave out. But last Saturday night I was a little bummed that we weren't out causing trouble. 

This is as scary as our weekend got.

So in the interest of Throw Back Thursday and all things Halloween here are some oldies but goodies. 

Emma takes Halloween very seriously. 

She starts planning weeks in advance.
Her favorite costume so far has been "the squirrel" 

This is a terrible shot.
Our favorite couples costume was last year. 

Mary Poppins and the Chimney Sweep
We sang all night.
It was obnoxious.
I lost my umbrella.
None of these things should be surprising.
And my favorite costume of all time was when my Dad & I were Beauty & the Beast. 
I didn't let him off the hook after one year. We had to go two years in a row. What a champ.

We danced to Beauty and the Beast at my wedding.
That's your queue to "awww"

Only two more days till the Tyranena Beer Half! You can read my first post about it here.

I had big plans for this run but I am starting to think I may need to scale back. I have been tapering but my hip is really killing me. It started back in Door County. I have been married to my foam roller for the last 24 hours. I had to stop after 2 miles on the death machine yesterday (i.e. treadmill). I have never had to stop before. 

Any one else ever have hip tenderness ??? I think I might be looking at my first running injury. My plan is just to keep rolling it out and stretching. If I have to take it slow, I will. I feel a lot better today but we will see what happens... Shoot me some advice if you have any! 

Have a spooky day and eat lots of candy :)

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Make a new habit


Well I am super mad at myself because I realized driving to work this morning that today was "Workout Wednesday" and that last night, somehow, my husband and I were in the gym alone. I could have drowned you in workout pictures and tutorials of me pretending I know what I am doing (last week I talked about hot yoga here).

Truth is I only know how to run. Forward. And on most days I am not even great at that. Fact. 

I hope one day I will stop spending all my money on Starbucks and lip gloss so maybe I can try crossfit and get a clue but today I have something really simple for you.

It’s really not all that brilliant but about a year ago I realized that when I go to the gym its busy. I try my hardest to get there before work but let’s be honest, it just doesn't happen often. 

You try leaving that face earlier than you need to. 
Likewise after running or being on the elliptical for an hour or taking a class my stomach is usually eating itself and I need to find a peanut butter jar stat.

The LAST thing I want to do is wander over to the “boys” section and lift weights, stretch, or work my core. 

So I started setting my alarm 15 minutes early. 

I go down into our basement. It looks a lot like this.
Kidding! sort of (google images)
But I wish it looked like this....
(google images)
Turn on the news and do what I can for at least 10 min. 

I start by stretching and then try to get some ab work and arms in. Ya know, good ‘ol push-ups, planks etc…you know the drill. If I am at the gym later and I can fit in more- great! If I can’t I don’t feel as bad. It is also a great way to start the day (especially since I sit at a desk for the majority of the day) and I really have seen results.

10 min doesn't seem like a lot and it probably isn't for some but it is better than nothing. 

What workout habits have you formed??? What works for you?

Just as a side note. My tabs are down for a few days. 
You can read my 'about me' here. Thanks :)

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

a bunch of pictures- none of me


What can I say, besides I wish I would of  thought it up myself. 

I remember taking the leap right before our wedding to download it. I remember thinking how could this be so addicting??? What is the reward to pinning pictures to a board??? HA. HA. HA. HA. HA.

It is safe to say now that my obsession runs deep. Full on addict over here. 

Well I was toying with the idea of doing some Pinterest inspired posts... & then with Kylie and Emily's 'Favorite Things' link up coming Friday I thought it would be a perfect day to get an early start. 

Also patience is not my friend. 

So, thanks to Pinterest here are some trends I am loving right now...that is when I am not in my running clothes/ 6 layers of sweatshirts and yoga pants. Living in Wisconsin puts limits on my fashion sense. 

A Fall maxi. SOO cute. Wearing it with Denim is genius.
I would probably throw on boots with this or ballet flats to make the outfit more 'Fall'.  
Another great Fall maxi idea.
Layered bracelets, a statement necklace & this would be perfect.
Combat boots. Combat boots. Combat boots. 
How simple is this? The boots totally give this simple look an edge.
The pair I bought are by far my favorite purchase this season. 

One: I love Jessie James Decker and her show. It is like watching Newlyweds circa 2004 all over again.
Two: Headbands were my thing for a whole year. I have ditched them and now I love this retro look with the bandanna. Again simple, very casual outfit with an adorable accessory. 

Yep. I know this is a three year old wearing my trend but I just had to post it.
She rocks it & how adorable is she?!? She makes me want a baby girl for almost a full minute. 
You can pin all of these images from my personal Pinterest.

Every week I will try to throw some new Pinterest obsessions out there and hopefully include pictures of my own renditions...I will probably stick to outfits and interior design for the time being. I just can't have another pumpkin scone debacle. Not yet.  

Oh! & don't forget to follow me on Pinterest & while you are at it, hop over to the book and the bird

Thank you :)

Happy Tuesday! 
If you aren't having the best day, spend some time on Pinterest & before you know it it will be Wednesday. Happens to me all the time ;)

Monday, October 28, 2013

The gift of running.

This weekend started out right.

Friday at 5 pm I had a date with my running shoes. It was very romantic. We got to see this sunset together :)

It was a chilly 5 miles and not very fast but worth it.

Shortly after, my husband got home and took me out (we rarely get a date night on a Friday). First stop was buying him new running shoes! I didn’t take a picture but I should have. Then we tried a new restaurant. I love that lettuce wraps are everywhere now. We have a really hard time passing them up. I love trying all the different variations. Maybe one day I will make them but my mom told me never to lie so let's be honest, probably not. 

Then we ended the night getting in the Halloween spirit with one of our favorite shows.

I hated last season but cannot get enough of this season!!! Don’t mind the guy in the picture drinking out of a wine bottle. He is a beer snob and just starting to enjoy an occasional glass of wine. However he likes to blend the two once in a while (i.e. drink wine from the bottle). He says it makes him look manly. Either that or he is taking the whole she-drives-me-to-drink thing to a new level.

I think he looks ridiculous but I got to pick the show, take a picture and burnt our pumpkin seeds so I was picking my battles that night.

Saturday morning  I killed 11.0 miles…best part? 1.5 of those miles were with my daddy-o.

The below picture makes me wayyy too happy.

I reflected on a lot during my run but something my mind kept wandering back to was how converting people to running really is the best thing and how it always makes for an interesting story. I haven’t actually asked this question yet but I wonder what it was exactly that clicked with my dad and why he suddenly decided buying expensive running gear & going out every morning in the cold to run was what he wanted. Stay tuned because I will get him to answer that…

But the point I wanted to get to in this post was this…When I ran with my dad I was filled with this crazy pride hearing him struggle through his last half mile. Right now I know he can’t even imagine running 3 miles but I know he will & can... JUST like I know anyone else can and will if they make the commitment. There are walls and you have to break ‘em.

The first two miles suck for EVERYONE. No one enjoys the beginning of any run but the most amazing part of converting someone is knowing the gift they are about to receive if they stick it out. You can’t even imagine what you will uncover if you just believe in yourself. 

For a runner, being a part of helping someone else uncover the gifts of running is simply the B.E.S.T. 

I know it sounds LOONEY but it is indescribable. For non-runners, I guess you could say the gift is pride but really it is SO much more. No one can give this gift to my dad, I can’t, my mom can’t- he has to give it to himself.

Running starts for many people I think as a means to lose weight or to look like another runner they know. A real runner is someone who has lost sight of all that.

A real runner may look at the number on the scale but see it as just a bonus. Running is a metaphor for a real runner’s life. It’s a way for them to prove themselves to them self every day. It’s a way to shake off and navigate all the little things that clutter our thoughts- to get rid of barriers & hurdles. It’s a way to break walls not create them. It’s a way to be reflective & incredibly grateful for all the organs and limb that God gave us-they all play a part. It is a way to praise and appreciate the wonder that is our bodies and find peace within ourselves.

SO in short, I just love sharing this great thing that is running with people. It is so rewarding. I honestly believe running makes everyone a better person. It can't help but make you more in tune with who you are and how far you are willing to push yourself. There is nothing else like it. At least not for me.

It really will, but I'm not one of those runners who loved running. I did it just so I could eat what I wanted. It was a necessary evil and hard for me to pick back up now.

Did someone inspire you to start running??? What are your running goals? Why do you run?

Friday, October 25, 2013

you become who and what you surround yourself with

This week really flew by...don't you love when that happens?

I have a long run tomorrow morning and I am hoping to get in 10 miles or more. 

I can't believe it is already here but I have my fourth Half Marathon next weekend. I am really excited about this one. It is hosted at a local brewery. After you finish, you get a free brewery tour and a lasagna dinner.

But let's be honest here. I am most excited about the lasagna. I am hoping that dreaming about hot, buttery garlic bread while running will just make me run faster. 

My hubby will be running too! Not the half but what they call the 1/6 barrel-cute huh? (about 4.5 miles) I am super proud of him. I just love that he is trying to do something I love. Yesterday, I told him that I signed up for a Turkey Trot 8K. I was nervous because the poor guy shakes his head daily about the money I spend running, but all of the sudden I got a text back that said...
"Well now I signed up too." 

Man, that guy knows how to make my heart happy.

Hopefully I can get him to do a guest post someday. He has a very different perspective on running. He doesn't love it and I am sure I won't hurt his feelings when I say he isn't very fast or cares to be. He still goes out and does what he can. He will never do long distance but he really tries and to him that is enough.

A terrible picture of  our shadows running the other weekend.
As much as I have rubbed off on him to start running, sometimes I could really use his outlook on running. Some days I take it too seriously and I am way too competitive. Taking the "I do what I can and try my best" approach should be the way I view everything not just running. 

Good thing we become who we surround ourselves with :)

He is a big kid.

Happy Friday, Everyone! 
I hope you get to enjoy a long run (if that's your thing) and have a beautiful fall weekend wherever you are. 

Who is the best influence on you and why???

Thursday, October 24, 2013


My first full week of blogging is almost over! Thank you so much for reading. Every comment and/or like on twitter etc. means a lot!!! :)

I was thinking maybe a post everyday would be too hard but I am really enjoying it so I think I will keep it up :)

I knew I would have to and want to keep some days short and simple. I thought about some regular posts on certain days and decided to go with the quintessential Throw Back Thursdays (Note to Mom: that is what #TBT means :) You're welcome)

Hopefully it will give you a chance to get to know me better and on weeks where the only things I have to say involve running, chafing, and eating GU as my main meal (kidding) it will give the non runners something to look forward to- that is if you love seeing painful pre-teen pictures, but who doesn't.

Well it just so happens that I only have a few old pictures on my computer (I will have to work on getting more uploaded for future posts) but I thought I could definitely find at least one to share today and I did but my first reaction was, "Well this wasn't that long ago... so I will have to give that disclaimer on the blog." 

Aaaand let me know if this has happened to you but I am waiting for the picture to download and suddenly it dawns on I am looking at this picture, my gears start turning and I realize that the picture is actually from 10 years ago. WHAT!? No way. I must have my math wrong?!

Forgive me for this rant but I just realized 2 POINT 5 seconds ago that 10 years ago I was not watching Full House in my pajamas and eating gushers or typing an entry into my DEAR DIARY (shut up, please tell me you remember those) all while forgetting to feed my Tamagotchi. 

Nope. Nope. 10 years ago I was dating and driving. I was stealing the most disgusting gin from my parents liquor cabinet (Sorry Dad =( I ended up throwing it up if it makes you feel better-Violently) and landing my first part time job- these events did not happen in any specific order. 

So now I am depressed and a little sad. 
Everyone warns you about this. I think I have heard every adult tell me at one time or another not to blink because one day all the sudden you look back and realize you are old ...well today is the day people. I just realized I am old, married and actually enjoy going to bed at 8 pm. 

But I promised a picture so here it is...this would be one of the very few balla moments I have had in my life. I was 16 in Hawaii and my Dad signed me up for private surfing lessons. The instructor was out of a commercial and I am pretty sure he had an Australian accent. I also remember being  thinking I was extremely talented and that this was what I would should do with the rest of my life (once a dreamer always a dreamer). 


Then I hopped back on a plane with my my flip phone and fake multi-colored Louis Vuitton, landed back in the middle of corn fields & I realized you can't actually surf in Lake Michigan.
Happy Thursday, Readers! Here is to being old and happy :)

Do you have a favorite family vacation you remember??? Have you been shocked by pictures or memories and realized they were from forever and a day ago?

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Workout Wednesday Link Up!


This is pretty big y'all. My first link up! and yes... I did just say y'all. Skinny Meg is from Texas so I thought I would represent the big'ol state. Okay... I will stop, and just talk about hot yoga for a minute.

Either you love it or hate it. I was super intimidated at first, but as soon as I started I could. not. stop.

Unfortunately, the studio I like isn't the closest to where I live, so I don't go as often as I would like. It also doesn't help that this trendy form of fitness can cost a pretty penny BUT the benefits are amazing. I will share with you a few of my favorite reasons to go sweat in pretzel positions.

1. It is the best stretch- I used to be flexible because of being an ice skater (you can read a little bit about that here). However running quickly ruined that. Running makes everyone really tight and because "us" runners sometimes aren't the best at warm ups or cool downs (I refuse to take all  the heat for this. I have talked to a lot of runners. We all suck at this.) The heat in the room really allows you to get the BEST stretch.

2. It's warm- Duh? right....well to be honest, in the winter I actually get excited about being stuck in a HOT room, rocking out to Florence + the Machine. Plus sweating like you do in this class is serious business. You feel like you have finally detoxed from your college years. If nothing else it is amusing and sure makes you feel like you are working harder than you ever have in your life.


3. Strength training- Another thing "us" runners aren't the best at. It is the last thing we want to do but it is good for us and yoga (especially power yoga) really helps do this without using weights. When I attend these classes regularly, I really start to see some tone and definition.

4. Breathing- One of the major issues I remember with running a few years ago was my breathing. I would always cramp up because I was most likely NOT breathing or just doing it wrong. It just so happened that right when I started running this year, I was also taking hot yoga classes. I honestly believe this helped me so much. I am really connected with my breath now and aware of it while doing all types of exercise. I don't know about you but I sure feel like I take the simple act of breathing for granted. It is probably the most humbling and calming experience to really learn how to control it.

Hot Yoga ♥ Breathe deep! -  This is great!! Thank you
Love this.

If you have any more questions on my experience let me know!

Have you ever tried hot yoga? Thoughts?!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

People who love to eat, are always the best kind of people.

It seems like the blog world is full of recipes today. Maybe it is something about the temperatures cooling off but food is definitely on the brain... but I guess when isn't it??

Door County, WI- Pumpkin Patch Festival
Especially if you live up here in the North...ever heard of hibernation? Ya, true story. That is a very real thing.

Anyways, I wanted to share some of my very favorite eats lately & who doesn't love a good list of favorite things in blog land? Here goes it =)

1. Dad's Spaghetti- I wish I could tell you how this guy does it. Basically he buys an authentic sauce from a local Italian grocery story and adds loads of fresh tomatoes (from their garden), with garlic, onion, different types of sausages, peppers & the list probably goes on and on. You add everything but the kitchen sink until it looks like chili. Honestly, it is a little less intimidating to just buy some great sauce and add to it. I love the idea. The risk of screwing up is rather low, which wins points in my cook book.

And those noodles!!! Find noodles like this and you've at least got a Pinterest worthy picture.

2. Fresh Apples pie - Up north we went apple picking. First time ever. I am mad it took me so long to do this. I cannot believe how many we still have and the price was so reasonable. Apples in the fall are the bomb. dot. com. Forget this pumpkin trend.

**I don't really mean this -I am still bitter- I attempted pumpkin scones and they were really terrible. First time Pinterest truly let me down. It's going to take me some time to recover.**

Anyways apples are great, they are best smothered in peanut butter or cinnamon sugar rolled up in dough but the ones we picked are so good plain that I have been only eating every other one that way ;)

3. So this should need zero explanation. I can never look at another pickle the same. I have never tasted something so freaking amazing in my life. It almost beats sushi. I try to stay far away from fried food but forget it-All of my dignity is out the window. And while you are at, please cover mine in homemade ranch. Thanks.

4. This last one, I can actually take credit for. I guess I should have put a disclaimer in about how I don't cook. I would EL-OH-VE-EE-love to but Jacob and I's schedules never over lap. We never get to eat dinner together til the weekend and then we usually just eat out. However my favorite meal to make is fancy. Fancy and easyyyy. Actually I feel like its a joke that it is so easy. 

Crab legs. Directions: You boil them for 5 minutes AND melt butter in the microwave. Buy pretzel rolls and a can of good clam chowder. Heat & pretend you are on the East Coast somewhere... I guess unless you are on the east coast. BUT seriously that's it!!!

I sometimes buy an extra can of clams to make the chowder even better. It can get a little expensive, especially if you live in the middle of corn fields like we do, but so worth it.

So there ya have it!

What are some of your favorite things to eat lately?? 

Also, if you are interested, I worked on our wedding tab last night. You can read all about our day here :)

Monday, October 21, 2013

the happiest peninsula

Happy Monday!!!

This weekend was spent in probably my most favorite place, in the whole world, Door County WI.

                                              From: Milwaukee, WI To: Door, WI

I have grown up going here as a kid and recently we have been going a lot. It is only a short three hour drive from our house and its filled with all the best things in life. Wineries. The Lake. Adorable Shops. Amazing Food. LOTS of running :)

Door County was where I ran my first half Marathon. They have the most amazing State Park (where the race is held) and because the county is on a peninsula, the bluffs and views are really what make this place so special and runs almost easy.

Lately it has been so hard to get my legs moving outside. Instead I have been spending a lot of time with Blair and Serena on the treadmill.


It is getting dark so early and the mornings are so cold already... but our last few trips here this fall have been exactly what I needed to get my legs going and those long runs in to prepare for my halfs.

Everyone should have views like this when they go out for a long run.


AND now for my favorite thing about running in DC...

Jake always (sometimes I beg) rents a bike and carries all my fuel, water, music, gloves and talks to me the whole time. What a guy :D Jake has signed up for some races with me but he just isn't into distance running and so when he gets to bike with me and push me and make me laugh when I want to die, my heart is pretty happy.

Well this weekend!!! I had three people to talk to :)
 Jake's parents joined us in Door County for for the first time. Obviously they loved it up there you would be crazy-sauce if you didn't & I would be really sad because we couldn't be friends. 

I would love to hear about your favorite places to run and I am thinking of ending posts with questions because I love other blogs that do that and I really love to hear back from who ever is reading SO here is my first attempt at post inspired questions. Don't leave me hanging!

If you run in the winter how the heck to do you get motivated in the dark & cold? Do you stick to the treadmill? (If you do, round of applause goes to you because I feel small parts of my soul die on that thing)

What is your favorite vacation spot???

Hope y'all have a great Monday!

I will just be at work, dreaming of still being here & waiting for your responses :)

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